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  • 100% cotton fabric, breathable. Very light.
  • REVERSIBLE: On one side you choose the design that you like the most and on the other it is completely smooth.
  • POSITIONS: allows carrying in a horizontal, vertical sitting crib, at the hip and at the back. It is very versatile.
  • Like our entire line of baby carriers, it is 100% ergonomic. The fabric adapts to the body of the carrier and the baby allowing the correct position of the child.
  • It is one of the simplest models to install. Does NOT require any knotting.
  • The rings are made for this SOLE use, by a national company, exclusively for Lumma, Crianza & Attachment. They are made to measure, and are the only nationals with these characteristics in the country. They are cast in one piece, and are toxic free.
  • One Size: Ideal to share between mom and dad.
  • INCLUDED: STORAGE COVER in eco fabric.


SKU: 000015008
  • Lavadora:

    • Lino de color máx. 40° grados.
    • Lino sin tintar o colores claros máx. 60° grados.
    • Ciclos cortos o a mano.
    • Lavado en seco para prendas delicadas como ternos, vestidos, etc.
    • Resistente al álcalis y a los disolventes orgánicos.
    • Se puede blanquear con cloro o lejía. Pero sus fibras se debilitan.


    Te recomendamos que seques tus prendas estiradas al sol y sin pinzas para que te dejen marcas que vayan a romper o dañar el tejido.


    • El lino soporta temperaturas de planchado muy elevadas (hasta de 3 puntos, 200º).
    • El planchado se recomienda en estado un poco húmedo.
    • Puedes ayudarte de almidón o productos de “planchado fácil” para que perdure el planchado.
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